​Sharing My Research Findings
Women, Sex & God: Through the Lens of Jungian Theory of Individuation
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The task of exploring how the relationship between sexuality and spirituality seem to be the driving force of my midlife journey felt thrust upon me by my unconscious.
In addition to analyzing works that have critiqued and expanded C.G. Jung's theory of individuation, I addressed a gap in the field of depth psychology by including my own lived experience as part of the analysis.
My heightened sensitivity to film images produced insights that evolved from the working out of personal complexes to larger cultural issues having to do with reconciliation between perceived opposing forces, beginning with feminine and masculine, then sexuality and spirituality, and finally spirit and matter.
How is this relevant to you? The human instincts for religion and sex are arguably two of the most powerful. They were not always at odds with each other as more and more evidence suggests. If it is true that how we relate to the external world is a reflection of our own inner relatedness, reconciling Sex and God within may contribute to our capacity to reconcile with others and our planet.
What People Are Saying About
Dr. Deborah's Research Findings
These topics can be so difficult to talk about as a man, and I felt a sense of liberation as I read through the intensely personal reflections. I have had the same feelings and similar experiences as this WOMAN and that's GOOD. This is something you CAN talk about and explore and embracing the feminine is a REQUIREMENT for total growth.
Ryan, just your typical 36-year old guy
Dr. Lukovich has a rare combination of keen psychological insight and ribald humor. As a member of her PhD dissertation committee, I was impressed with Deborah's academic ability and found the rapture of her story compelling. She has a "high octane personality" another committee member sated. From a Jungian archetypal perspective, Dr. Lukovich embodies the heart of a Pilgrim in her humble search for meaning, and the hope of the Child through her clear delight in playful boundary pushing in service to enlightenment. Attend her workshops, read her memoir -- Dr. Deborah, as she likes to be called, will become your fun-loving friend and trustful guide.
Dr. Kesstan Blandin
Interactive Workshops

​Men are NOT the Enemy: Healing the Collective Wounds that Prevent Deep Connection
During this conversation, I share what I’ve observed in my own life, grounded in some research that's already out there, bring a depth psychology perspective, and suggest a framework for evolving the way we look at the relationship between the masculine and feminine within ourselves and how that plays out in relationships between men and women – and anyone really.
I know I'm not the first to suggest that women will never be truly liberated without doing it in partnership with men, and perhaps there is great urgency in reconciling the genders in order to save our planet.

Sex, God & Transcending Patriarchy
A conversation about the need to reconcile sexuality and spirituality, two powerful human instincts that have not always been at odds with each other.
I offer information that is based on the most recent evidence-based theories that are NOT widely known having to do with the system of patriarchy. This information has the power to completely shift one’s perspective about how to accelerate that long arc towards justice to which Martin Luther King, Jr. referred.